Pathosim: A Multi-Pathogen Agent-Based Model
Existing modeling tools either fail to capture pathogen-pathogen interactions and the spread of arbitrary pathogens, or have significant limitations. To address this, we expanded upon the foundation set by Covasim, an agent-based model (ABM) developed solely for SARS-CoV-2 outbreak simulations and its mitigation strategies [1]. Our software package is capable of modeling multiple co-circulating pathogens including outbreaks of arbitrary fully parameterizable pathogens as well as surveillance and mitigation strategies.
Below is a list of all the features that have been implemented in the current Pathosim Software.
Some features that were already present in Covasim are not mentioned.
Some features that were already present in Covasim are not mentioned.
- Run simulations with multiple co-circulating pathogens where interaction parameters are fully customizable (changes in susceptibility, transmission and disease progression).
- Configure a fully arbitrary pathogen with the ability to customize the pathogen’s variants, transmission parameters, prognoses, disease progression parameters, etc.
- Create pathogens using an alternative framework for tracking an individual’s immunity against an arbitrary pathogen.
- A flexible stratification system which allows users to pick the characteristics they’re interested in (e.g. age, gender, location, whether someone has a smartwatch, etc.), set conditions upon those characteristics (e.g. age between 25 and 50), and obtain simulation results only for people who match those conditions.
- Plot various simulation data and multi-pathogen spread results such as co-infections.
- Incorporate basic intervention strategies for arbitrary pathogens in multi-pathogen simulations such as custom vaccines, testing, etc.
- Active surveillance and serosurveillance programs.
Contributors: Philippe Teichmann, Nathan Duarte, Alina Shimizu-Jozi, Ritchie Yu, Caroline E. Wagner, Jing Yuan Luo